MGC Manager User’s Guide - VoicePlus Edition
Assigning IVR Services to Conferences
IVR Message Services enable the conference participants and the chairperson
to perform various operations from their endpoints using DTMF codes, and
and to utilize the SilenceIT and Roll Call features. Assigning a defined IVR
Service and all its options to a conference is done during the definition of a
new On Going Conference or Reservation.
To assign an IVR Service to an Audio Only conference:
When defining a new Audio Only conference in the Setting tab:
1. In the General Settings pane, click the Enable IVR Service check box.
2. From the Message Service Name list, select the name of the IVR Service
or leave this field blank if you wish to use a default IVR Service.
The selected IVR Service (all its properties including Roll Call and
SilenceIT, if those are enabled) will be applied to this On Going
Conference or Reservation.
The selected IVR Service and its features and options cannot be modified or
disabled during the On Going Conference.