Chapter 8 - Recording
A participant functioning as a recording port activates the Prairie recording
system. The following information is required to define a recording port:
• The name of the Network Service defined as a Recording Link
• IVR Message Service DTMF “Dial-out” code to be used by the
chairperson who initiates the dial-out call to activate the Prairie system
• Telephone (dial-out) number - to access the Prairie Systems account
• Conference account prefix issued by Prairie Systems
• Conference account number issued by the conferencing service provider
Defining a Recording Port Participant
To define a dial-out recording port:
1. Define a new ISDN Participant.
2. In the Name field, enter a string in the following format: (Optional digit
field; 0...9), (Free text; Rec), ([Extension; EXT), (p), (Account Prefix;
2234), (p), (Account ID; 9876543), (p), (Pound keys; ##]). For example,
Each section of the string is explained below:
— 0...9 - Optional digit field. Any digit between 0 and 9. That
identifies the participant. This digit is used as part of the DTMF
code to initiate the blast dial-out sequence. For example, when a
chairperson enters *259, where *25 is the DTMF code for blast dial
out, and 9 is the number that identifies a recording port participant.
This digit must be unique, and no other participant can have an
identical number.
— Free text – Optional text field, may be omitted
— Brackets [ ] – Brackets indicating a dial string. Brackets are context
sensitive, and only this type [ ] of format is to be used