Chapter 6 - IVR and Entry Queue Services
Conference Access
Dial-in participants can access the conference by using the following
connection methods:
• Directly
• By means of the IVR Service
• By means of the Entry Queue
No IVR Service is assigned to the conference. The participants dial the
conference dial-in number or string and connect directly to the conference. In
this case, the functionality provided by the IVR Service is unavailable.
IVR Queue Access
Participants dial the conference dial-in numbers and are connected to the
conference IVR queue. Using the telephone or endpoint, keypad, participants
input the required information to menu driven scripts and voice prompts that
are part of the IVR Service. Once the correct information is entered, the
callers are connected to the conference.
You can define a range of IVR Services, and customize the menu-driven
scripts and voice prompts to meet different needs or languages. The IVR
Services are assigned at the conference level, and different conferences may
use different IVR Services, or the same IVR Service may be used for all
Entry Queue Access
Entry Queue is a call routing method in which all participants dial the same
dial-in number. Participants are guided to the conference using menu-driven
scripts that are part of the Entry Queue Service. Using the telephone or
endpoint keypad, participants enter the required details of the target
conference and are then connected to that conference.
IVR Services can also be assigned to the target conference that are accessed
from the Entry Queue. In that case, the participants are moved from the Entry
Queue to the conference IVR Queue.
For a detailed description and examples how to connect and join conferences
using IVR and Entry Queue services, see Chapter 2, “Conference Access for
Dial-in Participants” on page 2-8.