Chapter 7 - Attended Conferencing
Attended - In the Attended stage, participants are moved to the Operator
conference, where after a short conversation with the participant, the operator
moves each participant to the appropriate conference (Home conference) or
places them on hold. An Operator conference is a conference, that allows the
operator and one participant to talk without disturbing the On Going
Conference. For more details see “Managing Attended Participants from the
Browser, Status and Monitor Panes” on page 7-34.
On Hold - In the On Hold stage, participants wait in the Participant’s Queue
where they hear background music, view the same Welcome video slide, and
wait for the operator’s assistance. Participants are also placed on hold and
moved to the Participant’s Queue when they enter the wrong conference
Numeric ID (while in the Entry Queue) or the wrong password. This option
must be enabled in the Entry Queue or the IVR Service and an Operator
conference must be running on the MCU.
Conferencing - In the Conferencing stage, the participant is already
connected to the On Going Conference. During the conference, operator
assistance can be requested via DTMF codes, but only if it is already
configured in the IVR Service assigned to the conference. For information
about configuring IVR Services, refer to see Chapter 6, “Setting IVR
Message Services” on page 6-16.