Chapter 2 - Defining Standard Audio Only Conferences and Reservations
Participants can be added to the On Going Conference either by selecting the
participant templates from the Participant database or by defining them.
When defining a participant during the definition of an On Going Conference,
or after it has started, the participants default parameters are set according to
the conference media and type. For example, when defining the participant
during an On Going Audio Only conference, only Audio participants can be
Dial-in participants can be defined or undefined. Undefined dial-in
participants can connect to an Entry Queue Access conference, a Meeting
Room or a Meet Me Per Conference, without prior scheduling as long as they
know the conference dial-in number, the conference password or numeric ID
(depending on the MCU configuration) and the conference start date and
time. This mode is usually used in unattended, conferences.
New Participants can be defined in one of the following methods:
• From the Conference Properties dialog box when scheduling the
conference or during the On Going Conference.
• From the conference right-click menu or the Add Participant icon during
On Going Conference.
Participant template that is stored in the Participant Database or in the User
Template file can be used to add participants to conferences without defining
their parameters. The parameters are taken from the template. The definitions
of the Participant Template in the User Template or in the Participants
Database are described in the MGC Manager User’s Guide, Volume II.