Chapter 4 - Operations Performed During On Going Conferences
— If the vote was not anonymous, you can view the names of the
participants who have voted for each of the listed choices. To
display names, click the [+] icon next to the choice name.
— If the vote was anonymous, the system displays only the number of
votes for each choice.
2. Click OK to close the Voting Details window.
To save the voting results file:
1. In the Vot i ng window, click the Save Results button to save the results to
a text file.
The Save As dialog box opens.
The File Name field displays the default name, derived from the voting
session’s title. You can modify this file name. The file can be saved only
in the text or ASCII format (*.txt).
2. Using the standard Windows conventions, select the destination folder
for the file, and then click Save.
The dialog box closes, and you return to the Vo tin g dialog box.
3. Click OK to close the Voting dialog box.
Number of votes per choice
Names of participants who
voted for this option