Chapter 2 - Defining Standard Audio Only Conferences and Reservations
After Last Quit x
All the participants have disconnected from the
conference, and the conference is idle for a
predetermined time. The period is defined in the After
Last Quit x Min field.
Media Settings - Basic
Audio Alg This parameter determines the audio compression
ratio. The higher the ratio, the more processing
resources are required. Select the preferred audio
algorithm for the type of conference you define:
• 56(G711) 56(G711) – (default). In mixed network
conferences this is the only available option and
therefore the field is read-only.
• 8(G729/G723.1) – Available only for VoIP (IP Only)
Note: When the VTX 1000 check box is selected, the
system automatically uses the G.722.7 algorithm for the
connection between the endpoint and the conference.
Roll Call The Roll Call feature of the IVR Message Service is
used to record participants names and to play them
back when participants enter or leave a conference.
The chairperson can request the system to play the
names of all connected conference participants at any
time during the conference.
To enable this option, the Roll Call option and fields
must be enabled in the IVR Service assigned to the
Note: If the Roll Call option is disabled for the
conference but enabled in the assigned IVR Service,
the participant name is still recorded since the Roll Call
can be enabled by the chairperson during the On Going
Table 2-2: Conference Properties - Basic Settings (Continued)
Field/Option Description