Chapter 2 - Defining Standard Audio Only Conferences and Reservations
— Meet Me per Conference – lets you define the properties of Meeting
Rooms and Meet Me Per Conferences. This dialog box is enabled
only when the Meet Me Per Conf option is selected in the General
properties or when defining Meeting Rooms.
— Recording – lets you define recording options for the current
General Properties
In the Conference Properties- General dialog box, you can define the general
properties of an Audio Only conference, such as name, duration, conference
type, supported networks and passwords.
3. Define the following General properties parameters:
If you are defining a conference that is accessed through an Entry Queue, you do
not need to define the Meet Me per Conference parameters.
Table 2-1: Conference Properties - General
Field/Option Description
Name Enter a unique name using up to 80 characters. Naming the
conference is mandatory.
Note: If the same name is already used by another
conference, Meeting Room, Entry Queue, or Reservation in
the same or partially overlapping time frame, when you save
the conference on the MCU, an error message is displayed
requesting you to enter a different name.
Duration Define the duration of the conference using the format
HH:MM (default 2:00, maximum 99:59).
For example, to define a duration of 30 minutes, enter 0:30.
For duration of 90 minutes, enter 01:30.
Billing Enter the conference billing code if one is allocated to the
Note: If a reservation system is used, it can allocate a billing
code. The Billing code can also be defined by the conference
chairperson or by means of the DTMF codes for the
conference while the conference is running.