Chapter 2 - Defining Standard Audio Only Conferences and Reservations
Extension/ Identifier
This is the DTMF string sent to the recording or other
DTMF activated system; an outgoing DTMF
operation initiated by the MCU. This is useful for
identifying extensions associated with SIP users.
Each type of recording system has a specific DTMF
string structure, for example, when using the Prairie
recording services.
User Defined fields
In any or all of the four User Defined fields, enter
general information for the participant, such as the
participant’s email address, telephone number,
company name, location, or any required information.
The titles of the User Defined fields can be modified
in the Database Manager -> Defaults -> User Defined
Defaults and loaded to the MGC Manager
application. For details, see Chapter 3.
Note: The User Defined fields are displayed only if
the Show User Defined Fields in Participant
Parameters box is selected in the Database Manager
-> Defaults ->User Defined Defaults.
You can control the volume of the audio transmitted
from the participant to the conference (broadcasting
volume), as well as the listening volume for the
To adjust the volume, move the slider. The volume
scale is from 1 to 10, where 1 is the weakest and 10
the strongest volume. The volume of each endpoint’s
audio at connection time is set to 5. One movement
of the volume slider increases or decreases the
volume by one unit, equivalent to 3db.
Audio Only When checked, indicates an Audio Only participant.
This option is automatically selected and cannot be
• For T1-CAS participants
• In Audio Look & Feel mode
• When defining participants during Audio Only
conference definition in the Conference
Properties - Participants dialog box.
Table 2-12: H.323 and SIP Participant Properties - Identification (Continued)
Field/Option Description