Chapter 3 - Monitoring On Going Conferences
The Channel Info pane opens.
The following information is displayed in the expanded tab:
Table 3-14: VoIP Participant Properties - Connection Info1
Field/Option Description
Participant State The current connection status of the participant.
Note: This status is indicated in the Monitor and Status
panes, see “Table 3-2 describes the Monitor pane
columns.” on page 3-7.
Use the button do reconnect a disconnected participant
or to disconnect a connected one.
Channels Status The following parameters are displayed in this table:
Channel; Faulty; Bit Rate; Fraction Loss (Peak); Jitter
(Peak); # Packets; Latency.
The checked boxes indicate the multimedia channels
(Audio and Data) that are connected.
Sync Counters
The following parameters are displayed in this table:
Channel; Source; Position; Protocol Sync Loss.