Chapter 5 - Meeting Rooms and Entry Queues
To manually assign Dial-in numbers to the Entry Queue:
The dial-in phone numbers are assigned to the Entry Queue manually by the
operator or automatically by the system. These numbers are then
communicated to the callers who connect to the conference.
The dial-in numbers assigned to the ISDN Entry Queue are listed in the Dial-
in Numbers table. The first column displays the Network Service name. The
Phone 1 and Phone 2 columns display the first and second phone numbers
assigned to the Entry Queue.
If participants in the same Entry Queue use different Network Services (such
as two different ISDN services, or an ISDN and T1-CAS service), the
conference can be assigned different phone numbers for each of the Network
Services used. In that case, the manual allocation method is used.
5. Click the plus button.
The Meet Me Service dialog box opens. For instructions how to assign
phone numbers to the conference, see “Manually Assigning Phone
Numbers to the Conference” on page 5-8.
To delete an ISDN/PSTN/T1-CAS Network Service from the Entry
a. Select the service name or phone number to delete.
b. Click the minus button in the Entry Queue dialog box.
The service name and its phone numbers are deleted.
6. Click OK to complete the Entry Queue definition.
Entry Queue is added to the Meeting Rooms, Entry Queues & SIP
Factory list. Usually only a limited number of Entry Queues are defined
in order to save dial-in numbers.
• Up to 16 dial-in phone numbers can be assigned to the Entry Queue.
• If no dial-in number is assigned for this Entry Queue, the system
automatically assigns one, using the dial-in numbers defined in the ISDN/
PSTN/T1-CAS Network Service.