Chapter 2 - Defining Standard Audio Only Conferences and Reservations
6. Click OK to complete the participant definition.
The participant is added to the On Going Conference, Reservation or the
Reservation Template, depending on the conference/participant
definition mode.
Recording Designate the ISDN/T1-CAS participant as an audio
recording port connected to an external recording device:
Select one of the following:
• None – The participant is not connected to an external
recording device.
• Dial up – The participant is used as the recording port
to an external device.
For more details, Chapter 8, “Recording”.
Encryption Media information can be encrypted using an AES 128
algorithm. The Encryption options are affected by the
settings of the participant level flag in the system.cfg. For
Audio Only participants connecting to an Audio Only
conference with mixed networks, Auto is automatically
selected. It implies the conference encryption setting
(encrypted/non-encrypted) is applied to the participant.
Audio Only ISDN/T1-CAS participants cannot be
encrypted, because encryption is not part of the ISDN/T1-
CAS protocol, and therefore, in this mode the participant
can only connect as a standard participant to non-
encrypted conferences.
AGC The Auto Gain Control (AGC) mechanism regulates audio
noise and volume by balancing the received signal to all
participants. AGC can be applied to all incoming audio
streams prior to mixing, thereby dynamically adjusting the
amplification of the input signal.
AGC is automatically enabled for all participants. Clear this
check box to disable this option for the participant.
Save Participant/
Participant Linked
These check boxes are the same as the check boxes that
appear in the Properties Identification dialog box. For more
information, see the description of the “Save Participant”
parameter Table 2-10 on page 2-52.
Table 2-11: ISDN/ATM/MPI/T1-CAS Participant - Advanced (Continued)
Field/Option Description