Chapter 19 RMON-Lite
GS-1524/GS-1548 User’s Guide
19.2 RMON Statistics: Overview
Click RMON-Lite in the navigation panel to open the RMON Statistics:
Overview screen. Use this screen to look at and configure settings for gathering
statistics for the Ethernet ports on the Switch.
Figure 74 RMON Statistics: Overview
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
Table 54 RMON Statistics: Overview
Use this drop down list box to select the MIB table you want to view. Click
Apply to refresh the screen to the selected MIB table view.
Refresh Click this to update all the fields in the RMON-Lite Statistics: Overview
Data Source This field displays the ports on the Switch. Click on the port number to
configure the settings for that port.
Owner This field displays the entry creator. It displays monitor if the entry was
created by the Switch itself.
Status This field displays Enabled, if statistics are being collected on this port. It
displays Disabled, if statistics are not being collected on this port.