Chapter 28 PPPoE
GS2200-8/24 User’s Guide
The Tag_Type is 0x0105 for vendor-specific tags, as defined in RFC 2516. The Tag_Len indicates the
length of Value, i1 and i2. The Value is the 32-bit number 0x00000DE9, which stands for the “ADSL
Forum” IANA entry. i1 and i2 are PPPoE intermediate agent sub-options, which contain additional
information about the PPPoE client. Sub-Option Format
There are two types of sub-option: “Agent Circuit ID Sub-option” and “Agent Remote ID Sub-
option”. They have the following formats.
The 1 in the first field identifies this as an Agent Circuit ID sub-option and 2 identifies this as an
Agent Remote ID sub-option. The next field specifies the length of the field. The Switch takes the
Circuit ID string you manually configure for a VLAN on a port as the highest priority and the Circuit
ID string for a port as the second priority. In addition, the Switch puts the PPPoE client’s MAC
address into the Agent Remote ID Sub-option if you do not specify any user-defined string.
Flexible Circuit ID Syntax with Identifier String and Variables
If you do not configure a Circuit ID string for a VLAN on a specific port or for a specific port, the
Switch adds the user-defined identifier string and variables into the Agent Circuit ID Sub-option.
The variables can be the slot ID of the PPPoE client, the port number of the PPPoE client and/or the
VLAN ID on the PPPoE packet.
The identifier-string, slot ID, port number and VLAN ID are separated from each other by a pound
key (#), semi-colon (;), period (.), comma (,), forward slash (/) or space. An Agent Circuit ID Sub-
option example is “Switch/07/0123” and indicates the PPPoE packets come from a PPPoE client
which is connected to the Switch’s port 7 and belong to VLAN 123.
WT-101 Default Circuit ID Syntax
If you do not configure a Circuit ID string for a specific VLAN on a port or for a specific port, and
disable the flexible Circuit ID syntax in the PPPoE > Intermediate Agent screen, the Switch
automatically generates a Circuit ID string according to the default Circuit ID syntax which is
Table 82 PPPoE IA Circuit ID Sub-option Format: User-defined String
SubOpt Length Value
(1 byte)
(1 byte)
(63 bytes)
Table 83 PPPoE IA Remote ID Sub-option Format
SubOpt Length Value
(1 byte)
(1 byte)
MAC Address or String
(63 bytes)
Table 84 PPPoE IA Circuit ID Sub-option Format: Using Identifier String and Variables
SubOpt Length Value
(1 byte)
(1 byte)
(53 byte)
(1 byte)
Slot ID
(1 byte)
(1 byte)
Port No
(2 byte)
(1 byte)
(4 bytes)