GS2200-8/24 User’s Guide 261
Access Control
35.1 Overview
This chapter describes how to control access to the Switch.
A console port and FTP are allowed one session each, Telnet and SSH share nine sessions, up to five
Web sessions (five different user names and passwords) and/or limitless SNMP access control
sessions are allowed.
A console port access control session and Telnet access control session cannot coexist when multi-
login is disabled. See the CLI Reference Guide for more information on disabling multi-login.
35.1.1 What You Can Do
•Use the Access Control screen (Section 35.2 on page 261) to display the main screen.
•Use the SNMP screen (Section 35.3 on page 262) to configure your SNMP settings.
•Use the Trap Group screen (Section 35.3.1 on page 264) to specify the types of SNMP traps that
should be sent to each SNMP manager.
•Use the User Information screen (Section 35.3.2 on page 265) to create SNMP users for
authentication with managers using SNMP v3 and associate them to SNMP groups.
•Use the Logins screens (Section 35.4 on page 266) to assign which users can access the Switch
via web configurator at any one time.
•Use the Service Access Control screen (Section 35.5 on page 268) to decide what services you
may use to access the Switch.
•Use the Remote Management screen (Section 35.6 on page 268) to specify a group of one or
more “trusted computers” from which an administrator may use a service to manage the Switch.
35.2 The Access Control Main Screen
Use this screen to display the main screen.
Table 104 Access Control Overview
Console Port SSH Telnet FTP Web SNMP
One session Share up to nine
One session Up to five accounts No limit