IP Router Configuration
7750 SR OS Router Configuration Guide Page 123
Show Commands
Syntax aggregate [family][active]
Context show>router
Description This command displays aggregate routes.
Parameters family — Specifies to display IPv4 or IPv6 aggregate routes.
Values ipv4, ipv6
active — When the active keyword is specified, inactive aggregates are filtered out.
Syntax arp [ip-int-name | ip-address/mask | mac ieee-mac-address | summary] [local | dynamic |
static | managed]
Context show>router
Description This command displays the router ARP table sorted by IP address.
If no command line options are specified, all ARP entries are displayed.
Parameters ip-address/mask — Only displays ARP entries associated with the specified IP address and mask.
ip-int-name — Only displays ARP entries associated with the specified IP interface name.
mac ieee-mac-addr — Only displays ARP entries associated with the specified MAC address.
summary — Displays an abbreviate list of ARP entries.
[local | dynamic | static | managed] — Only displays ARP information associated with the specified
Output ARP Table Output — The following table describes the ARP table output fields:
Label Description
IP Address
The IP address of the ARP entry.
MAC Address
The MAC address of the ARP entry.
The age of the ARP entry.