Debug Commands
Page 164 7750 SR OS Router Configuration Guide
Debug Commands
Syntax destination trace-destination
Context debug>trace
Description This command specifies the destination to send trace messages.
Parameters trace-destination — The destination to send trace messages.
Values stdout, console, logger, |memory
Syntax [no] enable
Context debug>trace
Description This command enables the trace.
The no form of the command disables the trace.
Syntax [no] trace-point [module module-name] [type event-type] [class event-class] [task task-
name] [function function-name]
Context debug>trace
Description This command adds trace points.
The no form of the command removes the trace points.
Syntax router router-instance
Context debug
Description This command configures debugging for a router instance.
Parameters router-instance — Specify the router name or service ID.
Values router-name: Base, management
service-id: 1 — 2147483647
Default Base