
Filter Policies
7750 SR OS Router Configuration Guide Page 373
id 1 — 8
path-id a, b
cc-type .sap-net, .net-sap]
cc-id 0 — 4094
lag-id lag-id
lag keyword
id 1 — 200
qtag1 0 — 4094
qtag2 *, 0 — 4094
vpi NNI 0 4095
UNI 0 255
vci 1, 2, 5 — 65535
dlci 16 — 1022
port-id — Specifies the physical port ID in the slot/mda/port format.
If the card in the slot has Media Dependent Adapters (MDAs) installed, the port-id must be in the
slot_number/MDA_number/port_number format. For example 1/1/3 specifies the port 3 on
MDA 1 in slot 1.
The port-id must reference a valid port type. When the port-id parameter represents SONET/
SDH and TDM channels, the port ID must include the channel ID. A period “.” separates the
physical port from the channel-id. The port must be configured as an access port.
If the SONET/SDH port is configured as clear-channel then only the port is specified.
bundle-id — Specifies the multilink bundle to be associated with this IP interface. The bundle key-
word must be entered at the beginning of the parameter.
The command syntax must be configured as follows:
bundle-id: bundle-type-slot-id/mda-slot.bundle-num
bundle-id value range: 1 — 128
For example:
ALA-12>config# port bundle-ima-5/1.1
ALA-12>config>port# multilink-bundle
ima — Specifies Inverse Multiplexing over ATM. An IMA group is a collection of physical links
bundled together and assigned to an ATM port.
qtag1, qtag2 — Specifies the encapsulation value used to identify the SAP on the port or sub-port. If
this parameter is not specificially defined, the default value is 0.
Values qtag1: 0 — 4094
qtag2 : * | 0 — 4094
sdp-id — The SDP identifier.
Values 1 — 17407
vc-id — The virtual circuit identifier. This value is used to validate the VC ID portion of each mesh
SDP binding defined in the service. The default value of this object is equal to the service ID.
Values 1 — 4294967295