
Configuration Commands
Page 246 7750 SR OS Router Configuration Guide
lag-port-down events, this may be a decrease in the set effect if the clearing amounts to a lower set
The hold-set command can be executed at anytime. If the hold-set timer value is configured larger
than the new seconds setting, the timer is loaded with the new hold-set value.
The no form of the command reverts the default value.
Default 0 - The hold-set timer is disabled so event transitions are processed immediately.
Parameters seconds — The number of seconds that the hold set timer waits after an event enters a set state or
enters a higher threshold set state, depending on the event type.
The value of 0 disables the hold set timer, preventing any delay in processing lower set
thresholds or cleared events.
Values 0 — 86400
Syntax priority priority-level [{delta | explicit}]
no priority
Context config>vrrp>policy vrrp-policy-id>priority-event>host-unreachable ip-addr
config>vrrp>policy vrrp-policy-id>priority-event>lag-port-down lag-id>number-
down number-of-lag-ports-down
config>vrrp>policy vrrp-policy-id>priority-event>port-down port-id[.channel-id]
config>vrrp>policy vrrp-policy-id>priority-event>route-unknown prefix/mask-length
Description This command controls the effect the set event has on the virtual router instance in-use priority.
When the event is set, the priority-level is either subtracted from the base priority of each virtual
router instance or it defines the explicit in-use priority value of the virtual router instance depending
on whether the delta or explicit keywords are specified.
Multiple set events in the same policy have interaction constraints:
If any set events have an explicit priority value, all the delta priority values are ignored.
The set event with the lowest explicit priority value defines the in-use priority that are used by
all virtual router instances associated with the policy.
If no set events have an explicit priority value, all the set events delta priority values are added
and subtracted from the base priority value defined on each virtual router instance associated
with the policy.
If the delta priorities sum exceeds the delta-in-use-limit parameter, then the delta-in-use-limit
parameter is used as the value subtracted from the base priority value defined on each virtual
router instance associated with the policy.
If the priority command is not configured on the priority event, the priority-value defaults to 0 and
the qualifier keyword defaults to delta, thus, there is no impact on the in-use priority.
The no form of the command reverts to the default values.
Default 0 delta - The set event will subtract 0 from the base priority (no effect).