
Monitor Commands
Page 428 7750 SR OS Router Configuration Guide
Default 5 seconds
Values 3 — 60
repeat repeat — Configures how many times the command is repeated.
Default 10
Values 1 — 999
absolute — When the absolute keyword is specified, the raw statistics are displayed, without pro-
cessing. No calculations are performed on the delta or rate statistics.
rate — When the rate keyword is specified, the rate-per-second for each statistic is displayed instead
of the delta.
Syntax filter mac mac-filter-id entry entry-id [interval seconds] [repeat repeat] [absolute | rate]
Context monitor
Description This command monitors the counters associated with the MAC filter policy.
Parameters mac-filter-id — The MAC filter policy ID.
Values 1 — 65535
entry-id — Specifies that only the counters associated with the specified filter policy entry will be
Values 1 — 65535
interval — Configures the interval for each display in seconds.
Default 5 seconds
Values 3 — 60
repeat repeat — Configures how many times the command is repeated.
Default 10
Values 1 — 999
absolute — When the absolute keyword is specified, the raw statistics are displayed, without pro-
cessing. No calculations are performed on the delta or rate statistics.
rate — When the rate keyword is specified, the rate-per-second for each statistic is displayed instead
of the delta.