
Page 376 7750 SR OS Router Configuration Guide
Syntax dst-ip [ipv6-address/prefix-length]
no dst-ip
Context config>filter>ipv6-filter>entry>match
Description This command matches a destination IPv6 address.
To match on the destination IPv6 address, specify the address and prefix length, for example, 11::12/
The no form of the command removes the destination IP address match criterion.
Default No destination IP match criterion
Parameters ipv6-prefix — The IPv6 prefix for the IP match criterion in dotted decimal notation.
Values ipv6-address x:x:x:x:x:x:x:x (eight 16-bit pieces)
x: [0..FFFF]H
d: [0..255]D
prefix-length — The IPv6 prefix length for the ipv6-address expressed as a decimal integer.
Values 1 — 128
Syntax dst-port {lt | gt | eq} dst-port-number
dst-port range start end
no dst-port
Context config>filter>ip-filter>entry>match
Description This command configures a destination TCP or UDP port number or port range for an IP filter match
The no form of the command removes the destination port match criterion.
Default no dst-port — No dst-port match criterion
Parameters lt | gt | eq — Specifies the operator to use relative to dst-port-number for specifying the port number
match criteria.
lt specifies all port numbers less than dst-port-number match.
gt specifies all port numbers greater than dst-port-number match.
eq specifies that dst-port-number must be an exact match.
dst-port-number — The destination port number to be used as a match criteria expressed as a decimal
Values 1 — 65535
range start endSpecifies an inclusive range of port numbers to be used as a match criteria. The
destination port numbers start-port and end-port are expressed as decimal integers.
Values 1 — 65535