Page 360 7750 SR OS Router Configuration Guide
Filter Log Destination Commands
Syntax destination memory num-entries
destination syslog syslog-id
no destination
Context config>filter>log
Description This command configures the destination for filter log entries for the filter log ID.
Filter logs can be sent to either memory (memory) or to an existing Syslog server definition (server).
If the filter log destination is memory, the maximum number of entries in the log must be specified.
The no form of the command deletes the filter log association.
Default no destination - no destination specified for the filter log ID
Parameters memory num-entries — Specifies the destination of the filter log ID is a memory log. The num-
entries value is the maximum number of entries in the filter log expressed as a decimal integer.
Values 10 — 50000
syslog syslog-id — Specifies the destination of the filter log ID is a Syslog server. The syslog-id
parameter is the number of the Syslog server definition.
Values 1 — 10
Syntax log log-id [create]
no log
Context config>filter
Description This command enables the context to create a filter log policy.
The no form of the command deletes the filter log ID. The log cannot be deleted if there are filter
entries configured to write to the log. All filter entry logging associations need to be removed before
the log can be deleted.
Special Cases Filter log 101 — Filter log 101 is the default log and is automatically created by the system. Filter
log 101 is always a memory filter log and cannot be changed to a Syslog filter log. The log size
defaults to 1000 entries. The number of entries and wrap-around behavior can be edited.
Default log 101 — no filter log destinations defined
Parameters log-id — The filter log ID destination expressed as a decimal integer.
Values 101 — 199