
Filter Policies
7750 SR OS Router Configuration Guide Page 383
MAC Filter Match Criteria
Syntax dot1p p-value [mask]
no dot1p
Context config>filter>mac-filter>entry
Description Configures an IEEE 802.1p value or range to be used as a MAC filter match criterion.
When a frame is missing the 802.1p bits, specifying an dot1p match criterion will fail for the frame
and result in a non-match for the MAC filter entry.
The no form of the command removes the criterion from the match entry.
Special Cases SAP Egress — Egress dot1p value matching will only match if the customer payload contains the
802.1p bits; for example, if a packet ingresses on a null encapsulated SAP and the customer
packet is IEEE 802.1Q or 802.1p tagged, the 802.1p bits will be present for a match evaluation.
On the other hand, if a customer tagged frame is received on a dot1p encapsulated SAP, the tag
will be stripped on ingress and there will be no 802.1p bits for a MAC filter match evaluation; in
this case, any filter entry with a dot1p match criterion specified will fail.
Default none
Parameters p-value — The IEEE 802.1p value in decimal.
Values 0 — 7
mask — This 3-bit mask can be configured using the following formats:
To select a range from 4 up to 7 specify p-value of 4 and a mask of 0b100 for value and mask.
Default 7 (decimal)
Values 1 — 7 (decimal)
Syntax dsap dsap-value [mask]
no dsap
Context config>filter>mac-filter>entry
Format Style Format Syntax Example
0xH 0x4
0bBBB 0b100