
Filter Policies
7750 SR OS Router Configuration Guide Page 379
Syntax multiple-option {true | false}
no multiple-option
Context config>filter>ip-filter>entry>match
Description This command configures matching packets that contain one or more than one option fields in the IP
header as an IP filter match criterion.
The no form of the command removes the checking of the number of option fields in the IP header as
a match criterion.
Default no multiple-option — No checking for the number of option fields in the IP header
Parameters true — Specifies matching on IP packets that contain more than one option field in the header.
false — Specifies matching on IP packets that do not contain multiple option fields present in the
Syntax option-present {true | false}
no option-present
Context config>filter>ip-filter>entry>match
Description This command configures matching packets that contain the option field or have an option field of
zero in the IP header as an IP filter match criterion.
The no form of the command removes the checking of the option field in the IP header as a match
Parameters true — Specifies matching on all IP packets that contain the option field in the header. A match will
occur for all packets that have the option field present. An option field of zero is considered as no
option present.
false — Specifies matching on IP packets that do not have any option field present in the IP header
(an option field of zero). An option field of zero is considered as no option present.
Syntax src-ip {ip-address[/mask]} [netmask]
no src-ip
Context config>filter>ip-filter>entry>match
Description This command configures a source IP address range to be used as an IP filter match criterion.
To match on the source IP address, specify the address and its associated mask, e.g. The
conventional notation of may also be used.
The no form of the command removes the source IP address match criterion.