
Filter Policies
7750 SR OS Router Configuration Guide Page 377
Syntax fragment {true | false}
no fragment
Context config>filter>ip-filter>entry>match
Description Configures fragmented or non-fragmented IP packets as an IP filter match criterion.
The no form of the command removes the match criterion.
Default false
Parameters true — Configures a match on all fragmented IP packets. A match will occur for all packets that have
either the MF (more fragment) bit set OR have the Fragment Offset field of the IP header set to a
non-zero value.
false — Configures a match on all non-fragmented IP packets. Non-fragmented IP packets are
packets that have the MF bit set to zero and have the Fragment Offset field also set to zero.
Syntax icmp-code icmp-code
no icmp-code
Context config>filter>ip-filter>entry>match
Description Configures matching on ICMP code field in the ICMP header of an IP or IPv6 packet as a filter match
This option is only meaningful if the protocol match criteria specifies ICMP (1).
The no form of the command removes the criterion from the match entry.
Default no icmp-code — the no match criterion for the ICMP code
Parameters icmp-code — The ICMP code values that must be present to match.
Values 0 — 255
Syntax icmp-type icmp-type
no icmp-type
Context config>filter>ip-filter>entry>match
Description This command configures matching on the ICMP type field in the ICMP header of an IP or IPv6
packet as a filter match criterion.
This option is only meaningful if the protocol match criteria specifies ICMP (1).