IP Router Configuration
7750 SR OS Router Configuration Guide Page 93
The next-hop keyword and the indirect or black-hole keywords are mutually exclusive. If an
identical command is entered (with the exception of either the indirect or black-hole
parameters), then this static route will be replaced with the newly entered command, and unless
specified, the respective defaults for preference and metric will be applied.
The ip-address configured here can be either on the network side or the access side on this node.
This address must be associated with a network directly connected to a network configured on
this node.
Values ip-int-name 32 chars max
ipv4-address a.b.c.d
ipv6-address x:x:x:x:x:x:x:x[-interface]
x: [0..FFFF]H
d: [0..255]D
interface: 32 characters maximum, mandatory for link local
indirect ip-address — Specifies that the route is indirect and specifies the next hop IP address used to
reach the destination.
The configured ip-addr is not directly connected to a network configured on this node. The
destination can be reachable via multiple paths. The static route remains valid as long as the
address configured as the indirect address remains a valid entry in the routing table. Indirect
static routes cannot use an ip-prefix/mask to another indirect static route.
The indirect keyword and the next-hop or black-hole keywords are mutually exclusive. If an
identical command is entered (with the exception of either the next-hop or black-hole
parameters), then this static route will be replaced with the newly entered command and unless
specified the respective defaults for preference and metric will be applied.
The ip-addr configured can be either on the network or the access side and is normally at least
one hop away from this node.
black-hole — Specifies the route is a black hole route. If the destination address on a packet matches
this static route, it will be silently discarded.
The black-hole keyword and the next-hop or indirect keywords are mutually exclusive. If an
identical command is entered (with the exception of either the next-hop or indirect parameters),
then this static route will be replaced with the newly entered command, and unless specified, the
respective defaults for preference and metric will be applied.
LDP disallow-igp — This value is valid only for indirect static routes. If set and if none of the
defined tunneling mechanisms (RSVP-TE, LDP or IP) qualify as a next-hop, the normal IGP
next-hop to the indirect next-hop address will not be used. If not set then the IGP next-hop to the
indirect next-hop address can be used as the next-hop of the last resort.
tag — Adds a 32-bit integer tag to the static route. The tag is used in route policies to control
distribution of the route into other protocols.
Table 5: Default Route Preferences
Route Type Preference Configurable
Direct attached 0 No