Page 384 7750 SR OS Router Configuration Guide
Description Configures an Ethernet 802.2 LLC DSAP value or range for a MAC filter match criterion.
This is a one-byte field that is part of the 802.2 LLC header of the IEEE 802.3 Ethernet Frame.
The snap-pid field, etype field, ssap and dsap fields are mutually exclusive and may not be part of the
same match criteria. “MAC Match Criteria Exclusivity Rules” on page 294 describes fields that are
exclusive based on the frame format.
Use the no form of the command to remove the dsap value as the match criterion.
Default None
Parameters dsap-value — The 8-bit dsap match criteria value in hexadecimal.
Values 0x00 — 0xFF (hex)
mask — This is optional and may be used when specifying a range of dsap values to use as the match
This 8 bit mask can be configured using the following formats:
Default FF (hex) (exact match)
Values 0x00 — 0xFF
Syntax dst-mac ieee-address [mask]
no dst-mac
Context config>filter>mac-filter>entry
Description Configures a destination MAC address or range to be used as a MAC filter match criterion.
The no form of the command removes the destination mac address as the match criterion.
Default none
Parameters ieee-address — The MAC address to be used as a match criterion.
Values HH:HH:HH:HH:HH:HH or HH-HH-HH-HH-HH-HH where H is a hexadecimal
mask — A 48-bit mask to match a range of MAC address values.
Format Style Format Syntax Example
DDD 240
0xHH 0xF0
0bBBBBBBBB 0b11110000