Configuration Commands
Page 86 7750 SR OS Router Configuration Guide
Router Global Commands
Syntax router router-name
Context config
Description This command enables the context to configure router parameters, interfaces, route policies, and
Parameters router-name — Specify the router-name.
Values router-name: Base, management
Default Base
Syntax aggregate ip-prefix/ip-prefix-length [summary-only] [as-set] [aggregator as-number:ip-
no aggregate ip-prefix/mask
Context config>router
Description This command creates an aggregate route.
Use this command to group a number of routes with common prefixes into a single entry in the
routing table. This reduces the number of routes that need to be advertised by this router and reduces
the number of routes in the routing tables of downstream routers.
Both the original components and the aggregated route (source protocol aggregate) are offered to the
Routing Table Manager (RTM). Subsequent policies can be configured to assign protocol-specific
characteristics (BGP, IS-IS or OSPF) such as the route type, or OSPF tag, to aggregate routes.
Multiple entries with the same prefix but a different mask can be configured; for example, routes are
aggregated to the longest mask. If one aggregate is configured as 10.0./16 and another as 10.0.0./24,
then route 10.0.128/17 would be aggregated into 10.0/16, and route would be
aggregated into 10.0.0/24. If multiple entries are made with the same prefix and the same mask, the
previous entry is overwritten.
The no form of the command removes the aggregate.
Default No aggregate routes are defined.
Parameters ip-prefix — The destination address of the aggregate route in dotted decimal notation.
Values ipv4-prefix a.b.c.d (host bits must be 0)
ipv4-prefix-length 0 — 32
ipv6-prefix x:x:x:x:x:x:x:x (eight 16-bit pieces)
x: [0 — FFFF]H