IP Router Configuration
7750 SR OS Router Configuration Guide Page 95
Router Interface Commands
Syntax [no] interface ip-int-name
Context config>router
Description This command creates a logical IP routing interface. Once created, attributes like IP address, port, or
system can be associated with the IP interface.
Interface names are case-sensitive and must be unique within the group of IP interfaces defined for
config router interface and config service ies interface. Interface names must not be in the dotted
decimal notation of an IP address.; for example, the name “” is not allowed, but “int-” is
allowed. Show commands for router interfaces use either the interface names or the IP addresses.
Ambiguity can exist if an IP address is used as an IP address and an interface name. Duplicate
interface names can exist in different router instances, although this is not recommended because it is
When a new name is entered, a new logical router interface is created. When an existing interface
name is entered, the user enters the router interface context for editing and configuration.
Although not a keyword, the ip-int-name “system” is associated with the network entity (such as a
specific 7750 SR), not a specific interface. The system interface is also referred to as the loopback
The no form of the command removes the IP interface and all the associated configurations. The
interface must be administratively shut down before issuing the no interface command.
Default No interfaces or names are defined within the system.
Parameters ip-int-name — The name of the IP interface. Interface names must be unique within the group of
defined IP interfaces for config router interface and config service ies interface commands. An
interface name cannot be in the form of an IP address. If the string contains special characters (#,
$, spaces, etc.), the entire string must be enclosed within double quotes.
Values 1 to 32 alphanumeric characters.
If the ip-int-name already exists, the context is changed to maintain that IP interface. If ip-int-
name already exists within another service ID or is an IP interface defined within the config
router commands, an error will occur and the context will not be changed to that IP interface. If
ip-int-name does not exist, the interface is created and the context is changed to that interface for
further command processing.