KP915GV Product Manual
POST Code Description
75h Detect & install all IDE devices: HDD, LS120, ZIP, CDROM…
77h Detect serial ports & parallel ports.
7Ah Detect & install co-processor
7Fh Switch back to text mode if full screen logo is supported.
82h Call chipset power management hook. If password is set, ask for password.
83h Save all data in stack back to CMOS
84h Initialize ISA PnP boot devices
85h USB final Initialization.
93h Read HDD boot sector information for Trend Anti-Virus code
Enable L2 cache Program boot up speed Chipset final initialization. Power
management final initialization Clear screen & display summary table.
95h Program daylight saving Update keyboard LED & typematic rate
Build MP table Build & update ESCD Set CMOS century to 20h or 19h Load
CMOS time into DOS timer tick Build MSIRQ routing table.
FFh Boot attempt (INT 19h)
4.18 POST Beep
• A single long beep followed by two short beeps. It indicates that a video error has occurred
and the BIOS cannot initialize the video screen to display any additional information.
• A single long beep repeatedly. This indicates that a DRAM error has occurred.
4.19 SMBus Device Configuration
Device Name Address Description
Channel A DIMM1 A0 DDR2 Memory
Channel A DIMM2 A8 DDR2 Memory
Channel B DIMM1 A4 DDR2 Memory
Channel B DIMM2 AC DDR2 Memory
ICS 954101AFT D2 & D3 CK410E
NS LM96000 5C Hardware Monitor