6-6 Cursor Positioning
Horizontal Cursor Positioning (Decipoints)
This Horizontal Cursor Positioning command moves the cursor to a
new position along the horizontal axis.
? & a # H
# = Number of Decipoints (1/720 inch)
Default = NA
Range = 0 - logical page right bound (rounded to the first decimal place)
A value field (#) with a plus sign (+) indicates the new position is to
the right of and relative to the current cursor position; a minus sign (–)
indicates the new position is to the left of and relative to the current
cursor position. No sign indicates an absolute distance which is
referenced from the left edge of the logical page. The left most
position is 0 and the right most position is the right bound of the
logical page.
If a request is made for a location outside the printer’s logical page,
the current active position (CAP) is moved to the appropriate logical
page limit.
The value field is valid to two decimal places.