
10-2 User-Defined Symbol Sets
Symbol Set ID Code Command
The Symbol Set ID Code command assigns a symbol set ID code to a
user-defined symbol set. This ID code is used by the Symbol Set
Control command for symbol set management.
The ID code corresponds to the symbol set ID selection value
which is used to identify the symbol set during font selection.
* c # R
# = Symbol Set ID Code (decimal)
Default = 0
Range = 0 - 32,767 (larger values are outside the legal range)
When downloading a symbol set, the symbol set ID value must match
the Encoded Symbol Set Designator field in the user-defined symbol
set header.
As mentioned above, the symbol set ID code is related to a symbol
set ID value. The relationship between the ID code and the symbol
set ID selection value is shown by the following formula:
Symbol Set ID code = (# * 32) + (ID - 64)
where: “#” represents the number portion of the ID selection value
which may range from 0-1023; and, “ID” represents the ordinal
(decimal) value of the ID character. (Symbol set ID selection values
consist of a number and a letter, such as 8U for Roman-8 or 7J for
DeskTop etc.)
For example:
Assume the ID selection value selected for this symbol set is 17Q,
(17 * 32) + (81 - 64) = 561
The symbol set ID code is 561.