16-10 Status Readback
A value of 0 indicates all units of the location type.
A printer reset (
) returns the location unit to its default value, 0.
The printer retains the location unit setting. If this command is not
sent to change the setting for an entity request, then the existing
location unit setting is used.
Note The location type and unit may be set in any order. Invalid
combinations are not determined until the Inquire Entity command
is received. Therefore, even if the unit value is out of range, the unit
is set to that value so that an appropriate error response is sent
when the Inquire Entity command is received.
Inquire Status Readback Entity Command
The Inquire Entity command identifies the entity type and causes the
printer to create a status response for the entity specified in the status
readback location (type and unit).
* s # I
# =0- Font
1 - Macro
2 - User-defined pattern
3 - Symbol Set (for unbound scalable fonts)
4 - Font Extended
Default = NA
Range = 0 - 4
The entity status responses for the value field parameters vary
depending on the setting of the location type and location unit (refer
to the Set Location Type and Set Location Unit commands described
on the preceding pages).
The entity status and error responses are described on the following