
11-24 Soft Font Creation
Typeface (UB)
This field specifies the HP typeface number of the font. The current
version of this field, supported by the &payette; printer, is described
first. Then a previous field, supported in earlier printers, is described.
Current Usage
In the LaserJet 4 printer version of this field, an unsigned short
integer is assembled from the two unsigned bytes of data. Printers,
when seeking to match a typeface request with available font
resources, may treat the typeface number as a single value. If an
exact match cannot be made, the request may be ignored (for
selection purposes, however, the font select table is updated).
The procedure for allocating typeface numbers for the font products
of various vendors, however, will consider the typeface number to be
composed of two distinct fields: a vendor field (consisting of the four
most significant bits) and a typeface family field (consisting of the 12
least significant bits). The following diagram illustrates this scheme:
-3 Light
-2 Demi Light
-1 Semi Light
0 Medium, Book, or Text
1 Semi Bold
2 Demi Bold
3 Bold
4 Extra Bold
5 Black
6 Extra Black
7 Ultra Black
Table 11-14 Stroke Weight Values (continued)