20-34 The Vector Group
PE, Polyline Encoded
This command incorporates the PA, PR, PU, PD, and SP commands
into an encrypted format that substantially decreases the size of your
file and the time required for data transmission. (This command is
especially useful when using an RS-232-C interface.)
Note Parameter values are self-terminating; do not use commas with this
command. Also, you
use a semicolon to terminate PE.
Lines are drawn using the current line type and current units. The
printer draws to all points with the pen down unless a pen up flag
precedes the X,Y coordinates. If the final move is made with the pen
up, the pen remains in the up position; otherwise the pen is left in the
down position.
The PE command causes the printer to interpret coordinate pairs as
relative coordinates unless they are preceded by an absolute value
flag (=). Relative integer coordinates produce the most compact data
stream. For best results, scale your drawings so you use only integer
coordinates and use relative plotting mode. After PE is executed, the
previous plotting mode (absolute or relative) is restored.
Parameter Format Functional Range Default
flag character ‘:’, ‘<’, ‘>’, ‘=’, or ‘7’ no default
value character flag dependent*
coordinate pair character -2
to 2
-1 no default
* Refer to the table following the parameter description.