11-26 Soft Font Creation
Previous Usage
The previous treatment of the Typeface field supported the LaserJet
IIP, IID and LaserJet III family printers. It consisted of the Typeface
Least Significant Byte (LSB; the original, one-byte typeface value
used prior to the LaserJet IID printer) and the Typeface Most
Significant Byte (MSB) in the font header.
The previous typeface family value field is shown below. It included
a 4-bit field to specify the vendor number, a 2-bit field for the version
number, and a 9-bit field which contained the typeface base number.
The most significant bit of the MSB was always zero.
Vendor-Version The Vendor-version (bits 10 and 9) value was from 0
to 3. It changed when the vendor changed the width or design of the
characters in a font.
Table 11-17 Typeface Family Value (Previous)
15 14 10 8 0
0 Vendor Version Typeface Base Value
Table 11-18 Previous Vendor Number Values
Value Vendor
0,1 Reserved
2 Agfa Division, Miles Inc.
4 Bitstream Inc.
6 Linotype Company
8 The Monotype Corporation plc
10 Adobe Systems Inc.
3,5,7,9,11-15 (Reserved)