Selecting a “Pen” and Changing Line Width
Figure 22-4 Fill Area Anchor Corner
Use the AC (Anchor Corner) command to position the fill type in
relation to the figure. Rectangle 3 has an anchor corner set in its the
lower-left corner. Rectangle 4 has an anchor corner set below the
lower-left corner to alter the pattern’s position and give contrast to
the adjacent figure.
Selecting a “Pen” and Changing Line Width
Even though the printer does not print with a physical pen as a plotter
does, the printer uses a “logical pen” which emulates the action of a
physical pen. You must use the SP1 (Select Pen) command to draw
black lines on the paper.
You can change the width of the logical pen using the Pen Width (PW)
command. Subsequent lines are drawn using the new width. Use PW
to vary line thicknesses and enhance your plots. You may change
widths as often as you like, without sending an SP command again.
Pen (line) widths can be specified either in millimeters or as a
percentage of the diagonal distance from P1 to P2. Use the WU
(Pen Width Unit Selection) command to select how the pen width
is specified. Since using the WU command defaults the width of
both pens (black and white), send WU
a PW command.