
Establishing Default Conditions
Establishing Default Conditions
Whether you are using HP-GL/2 mode or strictly the PCL printer
language mode, you should establish default conditions at the
beginning of each print job to prevent unexpected results due to
“leftover” command parameters from a previous job. From within
HP-GL/2 mode there are two ways to establish default conditions:
using the Initialize (IN) command or using the Default (DF) command.
Using the IN command sets the printer to its user-selected defaults.
This process is called initialization. The reset command (
executes an Initialize (IN) command automatically, so if a reset was
sent at the beginning of your print job, HP-GL/2 command parameters
are at their user-selected default state when HP-GL/2 mode is first
entered. (See Chapter 3 for a more thorough discussion of the printer
environment and how it is affected by the reset command.)
HP-GL/2 command parameters are set to their default values the first
time HP-GL/2 mode is entered during a print job (assuming that an
E reset is sent at the beginning of the job). After commands have
been sent to modify the current print environment, the command
parameters are no longer set to their defaults. When re-entering
HP-GL/2 mode, immediately sending an IN command ensures that
HP-GL/2 features are set to their default conditions (if that is desired).
The DF command is not as powerful as the IN command. The
conditions set by the DF and IN commands are described later in
this chapter.