
5-24 Page Control Commands
Line Spacing Command
The Line Spacing command sets the number of lines printed per inch.
Only the values listed below are valid.
? & l # D
# = 1 - 1 lpi
2 - 2 lpi
3 - 3 lpi
4 - 4 lpi
6 - 6 lpi
8 - 8 lpi
12 - 12 lpi
16 - 16 lpi
24 - 24 lpi
48 - 48 lpi
Default = 6
Range = 0,1,2,3,4,6,8,12,16,24,48 (Other values are ignored)
This command performs the same function as the Vertical Motion
Index (VMI) command except that it identifies the VMI in
lines-per-inch (lpi).
The factory default lines-per-inch setting is 6. A user default line
spacing can be selected from the control panel using the FORM
menu item.
To select 12 lpi, send:
Note Once a PCL command sets a parameter, that parameter remains in
effect until another command changes it. The most recently received
command has precedence.