
Related Documentation
The following related manuals provide further information about
HP LaserJet printers, including their features and functions.
PCL 5 Comparison Guide
This document contains supplemental information for programming
PCL 5 LaserJet printers. It identifies how different HP PCL 5 LaserJet
printers implement the commands described in the
HP PCL 5 Printer
Language Technical Reference Manual
. It provides printer-specific
information on feature sets, paper handling, fonts, and the printer’s
control panel.
Intellifont Scalable Typeface Format
This document provides information for designing scalable fonts using
Agfa’s Font Access Interchange Standard (FAIS). This document can
be obtained from Agfa Division, Miles Inc. by writing to the address
below or by phone.
Agfa Division, Miles Inc.
Typographic Systems
OEM Technical Support
90 Industrial Way
Wilmington, MA 01887
(508) 658-5600
TrueType Font Files
This document, which provides information for designing scalable
fonts using Microsoft Corporation’s TrueType font scaling technology
has been made available in downloadable form on both CompuServe
and Internet. Contact Microsoft Corporation for details.