PCL Cursor Positioning
PCL Cursor Positioning
Horizontal (decipoint, dot and column) positioning ignores margins,
and therefore can be used to move the cursor anywhere along the
present line.
When performing cursor positioning with decipoints, PCL Units, or
rows and columns, do not use margins. Margins are intended for print
and space (i.e., CR, LF, FF) applications.
Vertical (decipoint, dot and row) positioning allows the cursor to be
moved into the perforation region.
The top margin is the reference point for
vertical positioning.
The left edge of the logical page is the reference point for
horizontal positioning.
The current active position (CAP) is the reference point for
vertical and horizontal positioning.
Refer to Chapter 6 for more information on cursor positioning.
Character spacing information for proportionally-spaced fonts
can be obtained in several ways. The preferred method is using
Hewlett-Packard’s AutoFont Support. AutoFont Support is a standard
method for identifying font information. It provides basic font
information including spacing information in AutoFont format, in
a file with a TFM (tagged font metric) extension. AutoFont support
files can be created for any soft font using Hewlett-Packard’s
Type Director 2.0
(and later). AutoFont support for Hewlett-Packard’s
newer font cartridge products are furnished as TFM files on a disk.
Character spacing information for proportionally spaced fonts is
available from Hewlett-Packard. Spacing information can be obtained
from Hewlett-Packard’s Type Director 2.0 typeface and font
management program.
Character spacing information can also be obtained from listings
generated through the operation of the spacing feature available from
Hewlett-Packard’s FontLoad Utility, HP product number 33407B.
Since line spacing is independent of font height, line spacing may
require adjustment following font selection to ensure proper vertical
alignment of text.