EW, Edge Wedge
EW, Edge Wedge
This command outlines any wedge. Use EW to draw sections of pie
radius,start angle,sweep angle,[,chord angle;]
The EW command defines and edges a wedge using the current pen,
line type and attributes. The EW command includes an automatic pen
down. When the command execution is complete, the original pen
location and up/down status are restored.
The only difference between the EW command and the WG (Fill
Wedge) command is that the EW command produces an outlined
wedge, and the WG command, a filled one.
Always use isotropic scaling in drawings that contain wedges unless
you wish the wedges to “stretch” with changes in the aspect ratio of
the drawing (causing elliptical wedges). For more information, refer to
the discussion of scaling and the Scale (SC) command description in
Chapter 19.
Parameter Format Functional Range Default
radius current units -2
to 2
- 1 no default
start angle clamped real -32768 to 32767 no default
modulo 360
sweep angle clamped real ±360° no default
chord angle clamped real 0.5° to 180° 5°