SM, Symbol Mode
SM, Symbol Mode
This command draws the specified symbol at each X,Y coordinate
point using the PA, PD, PE, PR, and PU commands. Use SM to
create scattergrams, indicate points on geometric drawings, and
differentiate data points on multiline graphs.
*Decimal code 59 (the semicolon) is an HP-GL/2 terminator and
cannot be used as a symbol in any symbol set. Use it only to cancel
symbol mode (e.g., (SM;)).
The SM command draws the specified symbol at each X,Y coordinate
point for subsequent PA, PD, PE, PR, and PU commands. The SM
command includes an automatic pen down; after the symbol is drawn,
the pen position and any dashed-line residue are restored.
No Parameter
—Terminates symbol mode.
—Draws the specified character centered at each
subsequent X,Y coordinate. The symbol is drawn in addition
to the usual function of each HP-GL/2 command.
• The character is drawn in the font selected at the time the
vectors are drawn. If you change to a new symbol set, the
character changes to the corresponding character from the
new symbol set. The size (SI and SR), slant (SL), and direction
(DI and DR) commands affect how the character is drawn.
Specifying a non-printing character cancels symbol mode.
An SM command remains in effect until another SM command is
executed or the printer is initialized or set to default conditions.
Parameter Format Functional Range Default
character label most printing characters
(decimal codes 33-58,
60-126, 161 and 254)*