Release K.13.05 through K.13.15 Enhancements
For example:
Figure 4. Example of Using the show-tech Command to Upload a Customized List
Release K.13.05 through K.13.15 Enhancements
No enhancements; Bug fixes only.
Release K.13.16 Enhancements
Release K.13.16 includes the following enhancements:
■ Enhancement (PR_0000001641) — This enhancement allows the user to set the console
inactivity time out without rebooting the switch.
Console/Telnet Inactivity Timer
This enhancement allows you to configure the inactivity timer and have the new value take effect
immediately, without a reboot of the system.
<source>: specify the source of the data. It can be tftp, xmodem, command, usb, or
any of the following switch data files:
• running-config
• startup-config
• crash-log [a|b|c|d|e|f|g|h|master]
• crash-data
• event-log
• command-output <command>
Note: When using command output, place the desired CLI command in double quotes,
for example, “show system”.
<destination>: specify the copy target. It can be tftp, xmodem, usb, or one of the
following switch data files:
• startup-config
• command-file
• pub-key-file
• show-tech
ProCurve(config)# copy tftp show-tech commandfile1