
Release K.11.12 Enhancements
Unless otherwise noted, each new release includes the enhancements added in all previous releases.
Enhancements are listed in chronological order, oldest to newest software release. To review a
summary of enhancements included since the last general release that was published, begin with
“Release K.13.01 Enhancements” on page 69.
Descriptions and detailed instructions for enhancements included in Release K.13.01 or earlier are
included in the latest release of manuals for the ProCurve Series 3500yl, 6200yl, 5400zl, and 8212zl
switches (January 2008), available on the Web at w
Release K.11.11 was the first production software release for the ProCurve 3500yl, 6200yl, and 5400zl
Series switches. Release K.12.31 was the first production software release for the ProCurve 8212zl
switch. Release K.12.57 is the last public release of the K.12.xx software. The 3500yl, 6200yl, 5400zl,
and 8212zl software code was rolled to the K.13.0x code branch with no intervening releases.
Release K.11.12 Enhancements
Release K.11.12 includes the following enhancement:
MSTP Enhancement Implementation of legacy path cost MIB and CLI option for MSTP.
Release K.11.13 through K.11.32 Enhancements
No enhancements, software fixes only.
Release K.11.33 Enhancements
With the K.11.33 software release, support for the following ProCurve products was added:
J8698A / J8700A(bundle) for the ProCurve switch 5412zl
J8706A - ProCurve Switch 5400zl 24p Mini-GBIC Module
J8708A - ProCurve Switch 5400zl 4p 10-GbE CX4 Module
J8992A - ProCurve Switch 6200yl-24G-mGBIC
Release K.11.34 Enhancements
Release K.11.34 includes the following enhancements:
Increased number of Telnet/SSH sessions: The maximum number of simultaneous
Telnet/SSH sessions has been increased from three to five. The CLI commands show telnet
and show ip ssh now report on five sessions rather than just three.