Software Fixes in Release K.11.12 - K.13.49
Release K.12.55
Release K.12.55
The following problems were resolved in release K.12.55 (never released).
■ DARPP (PR_1000736402) — The last port on the switch will not be initialized with
Dynamic ARP Protection (DARPP) characteristics if the last two ports are DARPP
configured. For example, if the switch has 24 ports and ports 23 and 24 have DARPP
characteristics, the DARPP characteristics for port 24 will not be initialized. The last port
will be initialized in all other cases.
■ CLI (PR_1000340826) — The CLI output from a show interface command truncates
counters that have large values.
■ CLI (PR_1000742974) — The CLI had some initial limitations within the interface context
for configuration of uninserted modules and transceivers. This fix addresses the interface
context for spanning-tree, aaa port-access, DHCP snooping, loop protection, and a number
of other features.
Release K.12.56
The following problems were resolved in release K.12.56.
■ Enhancement (PR_1000464170) — This feature provides support for adding the LLDP
VLAN Name TLV to LLDP advertisements generated by ProCurve switches. For more
information, see “Release K.12.56 Enhancements” on page 67.
Release K.12.57
The following problems were resolved in release K.12.57.
■ Enhancement (PR_1000713394) — Adjustable IGMP Querier interval.
■ Daylight Savings Time (PR_1000467724) — This change corrects the schedule for
Western Europe Time Zone: DST to start the last Sunday in March and DST to end the last
Sunday in October.
■ SSH/SCP (PR_1000742969) — The following issues with using SSH/SCP were fixed.
1) In show ip ssh, sessions 3 & 4 may display "console" instead of "inactive," when those
sessions are not in use.
2) The switch does not send an appropriate exit-status message to the client. This corrects the
symptom that occurs in some applications, which reports a message similar to:
Fatal error: Server unexpectedly closed connection.