
Software Fixes in Release K.11.12 - K.13.49
Release K.11.47
Release K.11.47
The following problems were resolved in release K.11.47 (not a general release)
Management VLAN (PR_1000299387) — The management VLAN does not allow
connectivity from valid addresses.
SNMP (PR_1000358129) — The command line interface (CLI) becomes unresponsive
after running RMON traps code.
Release K.11.48
The following problems were resolved in release K.11.48 (not a general release)
CLI (PR_1000345301) — The output from the "show config state" CLI command doesn't
always report changes made to the configuration.
Crash (PR_1000334710) — When saving changes to the IGMP configuration, the switch
may crash with a message similar to this.
TLB Miss: Virtual Addr=0x00000000 IP=0x80591238 Task='mSess1'
Crash (PR_1000351243) — The switch may crash at boot-up if more than 1000 VLANs are
Enhancement (PR_1000351445) — The "show tech transceiver" CLI command output now
contains the HP part number and revision information for all transceivers on the switch.
OSPF (PR_1000363648) — The "restrict" CLI command in OSPF redistribution does not
filter the default route.
Release K.11.49
The following problems were resolved in release K.11.49 (not a general release)
802.1X (PR_1000358534) — For the Controlled Directions feature of 802.1X to operate
correctly, spanning tree must be enabled and authenticator ports must be set as edge ports.
This fix removes a limitation that requires these steps be done in a specific order.
Crash (PR_1000346971) — When stacking is disabled, the switch may crash with a
message similar to:
PPC Data Storage (Bus Error) exception vector 0x300: Stack Frame=0x08895e48 HW
Addr=0x39200000 IP=0x007132f8 Task='mSnmpCtrl'
Enhancement (PR_1000366744) — DHCP Protection enhancement. For more
information about this feature, please watch the ProCurve Web site.