Release K.12.52 Enhancements
■ Enhancement (PR_10004570598) — An improved version of the MSTP-VLAN mapping
enhancement referenced in PR_1000457691 was added. This enhancement allows the
mapping of all theoretically available VLAN IDs (1-4094) to an MSTP instance, even if some
of the VLANs are not currently configured on the switch. For more information, see the
ProCurve Management and Configuration Guide.
■ Enhancement (PR_1000471015) — Reintroduction of the feature referenced in
PR_1000456271, that will allow a PC to connect with its RADIUS-assigned VLAN after an
attached IP phone has authenticated on the authenticating port. For information on the initial
implementation, see “Release K.12.44 Enhancements” on page 65.
Release K.12.52 Enhancements
Release K.12.52 includes the following enhancement (Never Released.):
■ Enhancement (PR_1000458484) — This enhancement allows the user to set a maximum
frame size for jumbo frames at the global level. For more information, see the ProCurve
Management and Configuration Guide.
■ Enhancement (PR_1000461576) — This enhancement introduces PVST Protection and
Filtering. For more information, see the ProCurve Advanced Traffic Management Guide.
■ Enhancement (PR_1000462841) — This enhancement changes the re-authentication
process to allow an authenticated client to remain authenticated during re-authentication.
For more information, see the ProCurve Access Security Guide.
■ Enhancement (PR_1000462104) — This enhancement allows the configuration of
modules not currently inserted in the switch. For more information, see the ProCurve
Management and Configuration Guide.
■ Enhancement (PR_1000462847) — This enhancement allows the configuration of
transceivers not currently inserted in the switch. For more information, see the ProCurve
Management and Configuration Guide.
Release K.12.53 through K.12.55 Enhancements
No enhancements; Bug fixes only.
Release K.12.56 Enhancements
Release K.12.56 includes the following enhancement: