Release K.12.33 through K.12.40 Enhancements
■ Enhancement — Merged all of the K.12.24 and earlier software fixes and enhancements
with the ProCurve switch 8212zl support.
Release K.12.33 through K.12.40 Enhancements
No enhancements; Never built.
Release K.12.41 through K.12.42 Enhancements
No enhancements; Never released.
Release K.12.43 Enhancements
Release K.12.43 includes the following enhancement:
■ Enhancement — Support for the following ProCurve products was added.
J9051A ProCurve Wireless Edge Services zl Module
J9052A ProCurve Redundant Wireless Edge Services zl Module
For more information, see “Support for the Wireless Edge Services zl Module” on page 18.
Release K.12.44 Enhancements
Release K.12.44 includes the following enhancement:
■ Enhancement (PR_1000457691) — This enhancement allows the mapping of all
theoretically available VLAN IDs (1-4094) to an MSTP instance, even if some of the VLANs
are not currently configured on the switch. (This enhancement was subsequently improved,
see “Release K.12.51 Enhancements” on page 66.) For more information on MSTP VLANs,
see the ProCurve Advanced Traffic Management Guide.
■ Enhancement (PR_1000457868) — Local Proxy ARP enhancement. For more
information, see the ProCurve Multicast and Routing Guide.
■ Enhancement (PR_1000456271) — PC attached to telephone. (This enhancement was
subsequently removed, see “Release K.12.47 Enhancements” on page 66.) For more
information on endpoint device discovery, see the sections on LLDP-MED in the ProCurve
Management and Configuration Guide. This enhancement was added back with Release
K.12.51 (see “Release K.12.51 Enhancements” on page 66).