
Release K.13.02 Enhancements
Release K.13.02 Enhancements
Release K.13.02 includes the following enhancements.
Enhancement: Beginning with K.13.02, DHCP can now be enabled on a Management VLAN.
Since, by definition, there is no routing to or from a VLAN configured as a management VLAN,
DHCP relay is still prohibited so the DHCP server must be attached to the management VLAN
for that VLAN to acquire an address. All DHCP options will be supported.
Enhancement (PR_1000458124) — VRRP Preemptive Delay Timer. For more
information, see “VRRP Pre-Emptive Delay Timer” on page 71 below.
VRRP Pre-Emptive Delay Timer
In order to maintain availability of the default gateway router, the Virtual Router Redundancy
Protocol (VRRP) advertises a “virtual” router to the hosts. At least two other physical routers are
configured to be virtual routers, but only one router provides the default router functionality at any
given time. If the Owner router or its VLAN goes down, the Backup router takes over. When the Owner
Router comes back on line (Fail-back), it takes control of the virtual IP address that has been assigned
to it. It begins sending out VRRP advertisement packets at regular intervals. The Backup router
receives the VRRP advertisement packet and transitions to the Backup state.
Note on Manual Updates:
In addition to the above updates to the manuals, with this release the 8212zl software manuals and
3500/5400/6200 software manuals have been combined into a single manual set. Where features
apply only to a specific model or models, this will be indicated in the chapter or heading for that
feature; for example, "Redundancy (Switch 8212zl)" or "Stack Management for the Series 3500yl
Switches and the 6200yl Switch."
New Product Documentation:
IPv6 Configuration Guide for 2900/3500/5400/6200/8200. Provides background information on
IPv6 technologies and concepts, plus complete coverage of ProCurve's implementation of CLI
commands for configuring IPv6 host and application layer features, including IPv6 addressing, auto
configuration, dual stack support (IPv4/IPv6), Multicast Listener Discovery (MLD), IPv6 manage-
ment and diagnostics.
The Master Index is a new feature to help find information more readily, providing clickable links
from a combined Master Index PDF to the per Chapter PDF files from all five software manuals. To
locate and access topics across the combined manual set using the index, download the Master
Index zip file from the Web to a directory on your computer.
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